Hi everyone & welcome back to my blog!

I am someone who likes to change up my diet, just for some excitement you know lol
I have tried in the past to go vegan but I just find it slightly painful, for my stomach and my bank account too. So I found a really good medium, I am a Flexi-vegetarian, which basically means plant-based but with occasional meats. In other words, you could say a vegetarian that cheats here and there haha.

In light of this, I have been trying to create more exciting veggie dinners! I am a foodie as you know, I don't compromise on flavour for the sake of 'gainz', sorry but I cannot get rid of my seasoning/sauces. So when I saw this recipe The Body Coach's Instagram, I was super excited to try it! Plus it only took 15 minutes and tasted amazing!

Click here for the full recipe: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1944438405630086

Alternatively: https://www.thebodycoach.com/blog/loaded-sweet-potato-skins-164.html

Let me know if any of you guys try it out!

Until Next Time!

1 comment

  1. Wowww!
    This looks good, every honor. The blog is full of interesting dishes, and this is no exception :)

